Tuesday, September 2, 2008

news #1

Beta blockers and high tech swim suits should not be allowed at the Olympics. Because the USA might have more technology than another country. Then having a swimmer like Phelps swim with the suit is more a competition of which country can come up with the better suit. Did all of the USA swimmers get these high tech suits or was it just for Phelps. I am thrilled at how he did in the Olympics but it does not seem right to be having a competition of countries to see whose athlete is better.
If you can not control how nervous you become in front of a crowd or even how much you shake then you should not get to take something to make it easier for you to relax the Olympics is for the best of the best athletes not the best of the best when they have medicine to make them better.
The Chinese gymnasts was a whole different story it was more that the Chinese wanted it to happen their way and not have to play by the rules. because they are the gov. they could get the right paper work to make the girls 16 rather than 14.
The opening night the Chinese had a very young girl sing the national anthem it was beautiful. but they had her standing back stage while another more "beautiful looking" girl lip sang to her. This is not really unfair it just show how badly the Chinese wanted to be the best at hosting the Olympics they went all out and I do not think they would have settled for a less attractive girl singing the national anthem.

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