Thursday, September 25, 2008


1)How do you feel about having all this publicity about splenda?, how does this affect you?

I don't really use splenda therefore it does not affect me that much i guess if i began to use it i would be more conscious of its effects.

2)How many times a day do you think people or even yourself uses splenda as a sweetener?

Well at least 2 in their morning coffee, and if they are cooking and think it is better than regular sugar then probably at least 5 times a day, maybe.

3) Do you think moderation is the key? do you think this may help the "good bacteria"?
if it was in your hands the solution, what would you do?

For weight gain yes moderation is the key. i do not really understand the "good bacteria" so i am not sure what i would do if it was in my hands.

active reading questions

1. Examine the details Sanders gives about building a wall to divide a room. Can you clearly visualize what Sanders is doing at each step? Is each concept clearly defined? Why, at the end of the essay, does Sanders feel the need to describe so clearly each step in the process?

You have to use the right tools, to do a good job, you have to measure correctly and get all the cuts right. I did not really understand what he did at each step in the process. He probably was rembering his father, he wanted to rember exactly how his dad did things so he doesnt forget.

2. How does Sanders use chronological order in this essay? What objects, images, or ideas connect the different periods of time that he describes?

Sanders really jumps back and forth in the times he is telling about. He starts with the day his father died, and then goes to a time with his father and grandfather telling him about the tools. I think the hammer connects the different times, because it is what he feels connected to when he doesnt have his father.

3. What is a "dawn stone"? Why does Sanders describe it in this essay, and what does it represent to him?

A "dawn stone" is an unworked stones, that served as the hammers.

It represents his ancestors, and makes him realize that he is still connected with them, because it is a "great leap in time, but no great distance in design or imagination."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Test or not

If the cancer runs in the children's genes then the parents should have their children tested. But both need to be able to deal with the end results no matter what they are. I think it would freak a kid out to know they might have cancer and not know but it could also hurt them to find out that they do have it at such a young age. Teenagers should decide for them selves when to be tested, it is good that finding out early would help the child cut back on drinking and smoking which can increase the negative effects.

Monday, September 22, 2008

active reading questions

1)In your own words describe the "6 Myths of Creativity."

a) Creativity comes from creative types.

Actually everyone is capable of creative work, they just need the right work enviroment to be creative.

b) Money is a Creativity Motivator

Really money is not everything it actually impeads creativity. People will be less likely to be crative because they feel that it might ruin their chances of getting a bonus.

c) Time Pressure Fuels Creativity

Time pressure actually makes creativity levels go down. People need time to let the creativity "bubble up." creativity needs time to blosom.

d) Fear Forces Breakthroughs

People are more likely to be more creative when they are excited about their work and are happy. "One day's happiness often predicts the next day's creativity."

e) Competition Beats Collaboration

Collaboration is better than competition. people competing is worse because when they work together they take all of their ideas and put them together making the best ideas. rather than just having a lot of ideas that would be better off together.

f) A Streamlined Organization is a Creative Organization

Downsizing made creativity drop much faster than the leader thought. People were so worried about being fired they were much less creative. people will be more creative when it is supported in their enviroments.

2) How did Teresa Amablile, the Harvard Business School professor who studies creativity in the workplace, design her research? What kinds of information was she looking for? What seems especially surprising or interesting about her apporach to research?

she collected nearly 12,000 daily journal entries from 238 people working on creative projects. she was looking for information about what types of situations increased creativity. she did not tell the employees what she was looking for she said she was looking for emotions in the work place.

3)Who is the audience for Bill Breen's article? How can you tell?

The audience is anyone in a work place, and employers. You can tell, because he talks about how compettition and unhappy settings in the work place only lead to a company not doing well.

Inventing The University

1) What does Bartholomae mean when he says that students must “invent the university” when they write in college?
He means that they should write as the university would. They should write like a college student would.

2)What does Bartholomae suggest is a way for students to become “insiders” within academic discourse?
By talking to people who are involved in whatever the subject is.

3)Summarize some of the differences between the two examples of student writing that Bartholomae examines, and Bartholomae’s opinion of these examples.
Test taking, or summaries. He thinks that the first essay flows nicely. He says that the girl is to conscious of herself in her writing.