Thursday, September 11, 2008

would you give the $400 million

The issue with building the fence is that how do we know that $400million is going to be enough to complete the fence. If it is not then we have used up the rest of the money given to the administration and the fence is not done. I dont really understand because why build a fence where no one can enter the U.S. anyways. when I think about the fence all I can see is a chain link fence going from the gulf to the pacific running along the border. so I do think that the fence is pointless in some places. To put it up and have people lose there homes for it seems a bit over done. If the fence keeps falling apart how much more will be asked for to fix it. Once Bush is gone then would another president really have the desire to continue on with the fence. To me it almost seems that Bush is trying for one last thing to do right and to be congragulated about. I dont think a fence is something that is going to get that done for him. The money could go many other places or even to just fix up the already standing fence and maybe get more border gaurds. I think it is great to stop illegal immigration but to stop terrorists I dont think they are just going to walk right on into america. this seems that it might also just be a way to say they are fighting terrorism but really trying to stop illegal immigration.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

active reading questions

1. She explains her expeirience that she had was working at the horse stables. she describes this after telling how chores are seen. if this was put any where else with out the intial background information on chores now we would be lost as to why we were being told about her horse chores.
2. She explains that if you make a child do the "dirty" work then they are going to hate it and just want to get it done. she says how if you just let a teenager see how bad something is then they will most likely clean it or fix it. Her intended audience does not seem to be children but more likely parents.
3. Smiley uses rhetorical questions to relate to the reader. I completly agree with Smiley parents shouldn't make their children do "dirty" work.
I was never forced to do the dishes but when i would see my mom cook then my dad come home after a long day of work and have to do the dishes by himself i would feel bad. and i then wouldnt mind doing them and i would find myself saying no ill do them with out him even having to begin for me to realize how it would be better if i did them. because i was never forced to do them i dont mind. my cousins who do all the chores in their house hate doing them and when an adult asks them to do something even something as easy as to set the table or take out the trash the adult will have to ask numerous amounts of times just to get them to move. my mom is proud that i will get up and do what ever is asked the first time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

active reading questions

1) his purpose was to overcome segregation and racsism. he wants to show he is not affected by racism. at the dinner he could have played along and gotten a hamburguer but he didnt get provoked he left dignity intact.he was trying to show that he over came it and showed how he used to be weak and would go along with the racsim. and he was used to not being judged. but he got to georgia and he realized that racsism is still going on. he wants people to know that racsism is not over. The colonel Brookhart is trying to prevent the intial shock powell was going to feel. he cares about powell he didnt sugar coat it.
2) he is speaking to everyone. gives hope to others speaking to minorities. people who agree or not.
3) i am impressed with how much he overcame. and how he delt with racsism. but he seems to be just another political figure to me i now know more of a background of him.

1) she is trying to let the reader know that writing is not as easy as it seems for everyone.
2) she is writing to students and or anyone who cant write down what they want right away. she is explaining how some cant write what they are thinking.
3) she seems to believe in free writing. not knowing exactly what you are going to say but more sitting down and letting your mind go with what it needs to write. she might not be helpful to someone writing a paper due the next day. her subject is one of her students. she really does not give much description of him she more describes him by his writing. she feels he can write if he is patient. she believes in him.

Monday, September 8, 2008

journal 2

I chose the essays Deciding to Live, and A Different Kind of Hero. These essays are both very compelling writings.
Deciding to Live is about a woman’s choice not to give up but to fight instead. She was depressed but instead of letting it pull her down she took up rock climbing not giving up. It is an inspirational story to read she does not hold back. She lets the reader know exactly how it was for her in the beginning and how great it was two years later.
A Different Kind of Hero is about a fifteen year old girl who lived in New Orleans and was drastically affected by hurricane Katrina. She describes how she pictures heroes, they have capes, jump from building to building, and are invincible. She tells her story just as the other was told; it is inspirational. She is fifteen and she has learned that in order to be anyone else’s hero you must first be your own. That is not something one usually picks up on when you are so young. She tells the reader how she felt she was her own hero. These essays are similar in that both authors save themselves. Both essays follow the This I believe organization tips they have on the website. They are strong in what they believe. Both state what they believe and explain. For Project one I might want to write about differences. --A Different Kind of Hero --Deciding to Live