Tuesday, September 9, 2008

active reading questions

1) his purpose was to overcome segregation and racsism. he wants to show he is not affected by racism. at the dinner he could have played along and gotten a hamburguer but he didnt get provoked he left dignity intact.he was trying to show that he over came it and showed how he used to be weak and would go along with the racsim. and he was used to not being judged. but he got to georgia and he realized that racsism is still going on. he wants people to know that racsism is not over. The colonel Brookhart is trying to prevent the intial shock powell was going to feel. he cares about powell he didnt sugar coat it.
2) he is speaking to everyone. gives hope to others speaking to minorities. people who agree or not.
3) i am impressed with how much he overcame. and how he delt with racsism. but he seems to be just another political figure to me i now know more of a background of him.

1) she is trying to let the reader know that writing is not as easy as it seems for everyone.
2) she is writing to students and or anyone who cant write down what they want right away. she is explaining how some cant write what they are thinking.
3) she seems to believe in free writing. not knowing exactly what you are going to say but more sitting down and letting your mind go with what it needs to write. she might not be helpful to someone writing a paper due the next day. her subject is one of her students. she really does not give much description of him she more describes him by his writing. she feels he can write if he is patient. she believes in him.

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