Thursday, October 2, 2008


1) According to Cohen, what are the properties of men's relationships? Why does he think that these properties do not fit a definition of friendship?
He says that men cannot have real friends, he says that they do not express themselves like women do therefore they will never have real friends. they are more buddies, chums, pals, but not people they will ever express any feelings to one another. They do not talk like women do they wont express things that are bothering them. They keep to themselves.
2) What fundamental distinction does Cohen make between men and women? That is, how does he classify men and women? Do you agree with his classification? Why or why not?
Women will straight up tell you how they feel if they are having a bad day or a great day. they will vent till your ears fall off. men on the other hand you have to practically drag what ever is bothering them out. you cannot simply say hey whats wrong no it takes much more. Men/boys have been brought up to believe that it is not right for men to express emotion and or feelings. so they keep to them selves. i agree men are very secretive and women are not.
3) Examine the kind of evidence that Cohen offers in paragraph 5 to support his thesis. Would his argument be stronger if he had talked about, or named, specific men? What are the risks of generalizing about human behavior?
he has a very strong argument. naming specific men he knows just makes it seem that he only knows this of his friends. then again generalizing men all into one makes it hard because some men do express their feelings. Generalization is hard, because no two people are exactly alike and so makeing a general statement just makes it harder to believe because it is more likely that it is not true all the way through.

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