Monday, September 8, 2008

journal 2

I chose the essays Deciding to Live, and A Different Kind of Hero. These essays are both very compelling writings.
Deciding to Live is about a woman’s choice not to give up but to fight instead. She was depressed but instead of letting it pull her down she took up rock climbing not giving up. It is an inspirational story to read she does not hold back. She lets the reader know exactly how it was for her in the beginning and how great it was two years later.
A Different Kind of Hero is about a fifteen year old girl who lived in New Orleans and was drastically affected by hurricane Katrina. She describes how she pictures heroes, they have capes, jump from building to building, and are invincible. She tells her story just as the other was told; it is inspirational. She is fifteen and she has learned that in order to be anyone else’s hero you must first be your own. That is not something one usually picks up on when you are so young. She tells the reader how she felt she was her own hero. These essays are similar in that both authors save themselves. Both essays follow the This I believe organization tips they have on the website. They are strong in what they believe. Both state what they believe and explain. For Project one I might want to write about differences. --A Different Kind of Hero --Deciding to Live


StaceFace08 said...

You were right the "Deciding to live" essay was a very inspirational piece. I liked how the writer opened about her situation and what she did to be able to face and conquer it. I think people should read this essay when they feel down and think about the decisions they are making if they are rational and be able to see how someone actually made it through his/her obstacle.

MTM said...

Those two essays sound very inspirational and because of your journal entry, I am going to read the essays myself. I like essays that writers talk about experiences that anyone can go through and face in life.