Thursday, November 13, 2008

In the news

For months, General Motors had been telling everyone who would listen that bankruptcy was not an option. It had a $30 billion cash pile and plans to restructure the company as the economy rebounded and 2007 U.S. auto sales topped 16 million units.
Then came October. Sales plummeted an astounding 45% over the same period last year, a result of a slowing economy and a dearth of financing for would-be car buyers. Total U.S. car and light-truck sales this year could come in at 13.5 million, 2.6 million fewer than last year. "That's in no body's business plan," says Kimberly Rodriguez, an automotive specialist with Grant Thornton. "The best planning in the world cannot survive that fluctuation." It's now clear that GM can't survive as an ongoing entity without massive federal assistance. The company is burning through more than $2 billion each month. It has $16 billion left. As if they were aboard a dirigible losing altitude, GM's bosses have been frantically throwing all manner of stuff overboard — retiree health-care benefits, people, assets, new car design — to conserve $5 billion. That will get it through the year.
But 2009 is the year of reckoning for GM and the rest of the domestic auto industry, if not the economy as a whole. The GM crisis is raising once again the issue of how far the government should go in rescuing banks, insurance companies, mortgage holders, credit-card issuers and now car makers. GM has no doubts about it. "Immediate federal funding is essential in order for the U.S. automotive industry to weather this downturn," GM president Fritz Henderson admitted to investors during a conference call in which GM announced a third-quarter loss of $2.5 billion.
No one is more aware of that need than Barack Obama, who carried Michigan by a huge margin. The President-elect is committed to helping the Detroit Three, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is leading a rescue party that plans to get a bailout bill in front of President Bush before Thanksgiving. So far, the President has offered only to speed through Congress an already approved $25 billion loan to help Detroit create new fuel-efficient models. But GM needs an additional $10 billion simply to pay its bills next year and $15 billion more to close plants, compensate redundant workers and dump some of its lesser-performing brands.
The issue boils down to a historic proposition: Is what's good for GM still good for the country?
"If GM were to go into a free-fall bankruptcy and didn't pay its trade debts, then the entire domestic auto industry shuts down," says Rodriguez. The system — the domestic auto plants and their interconnected group of suppliers — is far bigger than GM. It includes 54 North American manufacturing plants and at least 4,000 so-called Tier 1 suppliers — firms that feed parts and subassemblies directly to those plants. That includes mom-and-pop outfits but also a dozen or so large companies such as Lear, Johnson Controls and GM's former captive Delphi. Beyond those are thousands of the suppliers' suppliers.
Although the Detroit Three directly employed about 240,000 people last year, according to the industry-allied Center for Automotive Research (CAR) in Ann Arbor, Mich., the multiplier effect is large, which is typical in manufacturing. Throw in the parts makers and other suppliers, and you have an additional 974,000 jobs. Together, says CAR, these 1.2 million workers spend enough to keep 1.7 million more people employed. That gets you to 2.9 million jobs tied to the Detroit Three, and even if you discount the figures because of CAR's allegiance, it's a big number. Shut down Detroit, and the national unemployment rate heads toward 10% in a hurry.
Even if just one of the Detroit Three — and GM is the most likely, as Ford is in better shape and Chrysler is much smaller — spiraled into a free-fall bankruptcy, the systemic effects, at least initially, would be huge. The whole industry would not be able to build cars in the U.S., because of the lack of parts. "Unlike the airlines or steel, when you look at the automobile industry and the fact that the whole supplier base is connected — to Ford, Chrysler, Toyota — it will have a ripple effect on the entire industry," says Nicole Y. Lamb-Hale, a bankruptcy expert at the Detroit office of Foley & Lardner, a law firm that represents some GM suppliers.

Should the government save GM?
Do you think they should focus more on saving the other companies and let GM down?
Do you think that if GM fails all the others will as well?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

job loss

a way to save jobs is to boost the economy people are loosing jobs because there is no need for certain ones, this is affecting everybody. there is a strain on the economy, and that is decreasing the jobs. i dont know what can really be done we might have to just wait it out.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Obama represents change, and people have seen what happened with bush and want to try something new. McCain had all the same ideas that bush had and so it would have been just like electing bush for another term they were very similar in many ways. Obama is going to change things. It may take a while for the ball to get rolling but he will accomplish great things. Young voters are ready to see things go positivley and they have seen from a netural seat for a while what happened with bush. and they knew what they wanted. GO OBAMA!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Journal # 8 & 9

Katie Couric is draging CBS down
Katie Couric is draging CBS down because she needs to be able to spread her wings.
Katie Couric is draging CBS down because she can do better.
This image is showing the man taking money out of his bank ATM, while the other AMT is taking money out of his back pocket. The AMT stands for Alternative Minimum Tax. So basically he thinks he is getting money out but really it is being taken from him trhough all of his taxes.

Taxes being taken from our back pockets.

Taxes are being taken from our backpockets because they have been raised.

The taxes come straight out of our own pockets.

Active Reading Questions Gould

1) " Transitions are found in the fossil records. Preserved transitions are not common, and shouldn't be. but not because of our understanding of evolution."
A) "We do not know how the Creator created, what processes He used, for He used processes which are not now operating anywhere in the natural universe."
B) "When we recognize the etymology of September, October, November, and December (seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth, from the Latin), we know that two additional items (January and February) must have been added to an original calender of ten months."
2) He cites interferences as evidence in paragraph 16, and 17
3)It sets the scene so we know what beliefs he will be talking about. so the reader wouldn't expect to have a recent theory in his essay.

Active Reading Questions Lightman

1)Yes it gave a good preview, it was about how we know, or could not know for our selves weather or not the earth is round or flat. The intro gives us the basic idea for the essay, and the conclusion gives us a sum up of the whole thing.
2)You really realize he is a scientist when he describes how it would feel to discover something for your self. I think that an artist or a social worker would probably not look that deeply into a subject like weather or not the earth is round or flat. That is not their line of work therefore they would pay less attention to it.
3)He uses a playful tone when he is saying how he didnt quite get to see what he was looking for because it was hazy outside. He says "At the very least, I thought, you would have a pleasent vacation." He uses more of a serious tone when he is talking of acnietn studies that show why those scientists think the earth is round or flat. The change in tones keeps the readers intrest up. If it was a mono tone then the reader might just feel like they are reading a boring biography.

Active Reading Questions

1) Usually when I revise an essay or any of my writing, I read from the end to the beginging. I start at the beginging of the last sentence read it through, then contiune on up the page.
2)Rereading the essay aloud I dont really hear a difference, or catch any mistakes. I think when people revise essays they read them the way they want them to sound, or how they think they wrote them.
3) Reading the quote used after the author that Murry talks about, makes the advice the other author is giving seem more real. It does not just come off as steps and rules you read. It makes them become more alive.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Youth Vote

I think that what the children are picking is information from their parents. When they see the news they might sorta understand it but it is the conversation after the news segment that will shape what the child thinks. I do not think that children have any special talent at picking a presidential candidate, they are so young and dont even know most of what is going on in the election. It can't hurt to let them vote and feel like they are in power, and have a voice, and it will help for when it really comes time to vote. maybe having these younger kids vote will make teens want to vote more when the time comes. Or atleast these children will grow up and want to vote when they are eighteen.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Orwell Journal 7

In this essay, Orwell suggests that the English language is on the decline because the people who use English are misusing the language. What sort of things does he mention as proof that the English language is in trouble?
The writer might have meaning but they cant express it or they are thinking of one topic and switch to another. He says that our thoughts are foolish therefore our thoughts with writing are foolish. He says that two expamles of bad writing are that imagery has gotten stale, and lack of precision.
Orwell wrote this essay almost 60 years ago. Do you think the English language is in a better or worse condition than when Orwell wrote his essay? I think it is worse, children are learning poor English and it will most likely carry over into their writing, and that will lead to bad writing when they are older. It can be fixed but it would take a while. Can you think of modern examples of how people misuse language? Like if someone is speaking about their broken phone. I have heard college students say “ My phone is broke.” This gets to me I always feel the need to correct them.
What do you think of Orwell’s list of rules to improve your writing? It seems like helpful advice but it just goes against everything we have been taught since we were little and learned to write.
Orwell wrote the following in the provided excerpt:

Probably it is better to put off using words as long as possible and get one's meaning as clear as one can through pictures and sensations. Afterward one can choose -- not simply accept -- the phrases that will best cover the meaning, and then switch round and decide what impressions one's words are likely to make on another person.

What do you think he means when he suggests that one should focus on “pictures and sensations” before one sits down to put words on the page? Have you ever done this? Does it help you write better? One should know what they want to write about and have an idea in their head so they are not jumping all over the place in the writing. Yes I have and it does help a lot.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

project 2 draft

Uniforms are the step up to higher learning. Yet Students who have a uniform for school usually complain. They don't think that wearing certain clothes will help them in getting better grades. Many see it as a confinement of their expression.
I wore a uniform from pre-K till eighth grade. I did not mind wearing it. Yes I couldn't wear normal clothes. Having a uniform made getting dressed in the mornings so easy I grabbed the clean shirt and shorts and was off to school. Because we wore uniforms, the kids in my class were not caught up with what everyone else was wearing. It made it better for those who didn't have the money to buy what was cool. When i got to high school I had a lot of clothes to buy to keep up with everyone else. There might be rules for a dress code or a uniform, but teenagers make their own rules. You were looked down on if you wore the same shirt more than twice in two weeks. You were looked at like you were crazy if you showed up with the same shirt as someone else. High school would have been better off with a uniform or a strict dress code. Guys would be less distracted, if girls had to wear clothes that covered everything. Girls would be less likely to judge people by what they are wearing.
Some think that a uniform is a bad idea. They feel that the student may be uncomfortable in what they are wearing and will be distracted by their clothes and not learn. People who see a uniform most likely have never had to wear one. They would feel confined, unexpressed. To be judged who you are by what you wear shows that we are a very judgemental society. Many people who have worn a uniform before hated it when they had to wear. Once they had choices of what to wear they wished they had the uniform.
A uniform keeps people from judging, keeps kids more focused, they are more awake because they are not in sweats and a tee shirt. Uniforms should be mandatory for all schools pre-K through high school. This would boost the classes GPA and make it a level learning field for everyone.

Monday, October 6, 2008

project 2

Do you think students wearing a uniform will increase learning.
Why?: My school had a very stirct dress code of kakhis and polos. This increased our overall GPA. It effects the kids, because when they are dressed more professionally they are more awake because they are less comfortable and less likely to fall asleep in class.
Why?: Because usually kids express themselves through their clothes, there fore they will be less happy at school, because they are worried about what they are wearing. and then concentration would be placed upon looks and how the student feels in the uniform not on their studies
Why?: They will be more focused less worried about what to wear like a social barrier will be taken down for the fact that the girls will not be competing to look better then one another if everyone is wearing the same clothes then no attention will be paid to them rather than their studies.

Do you think High schools should have a uniform or just a strict dress code?
1- we basically had a uniform.
2- I guess a strict dress code would be better because atleast then you have some say in what you wear.
3-A strict dress code would do.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


1) What perspectives does Tavris present that are different from those of Richard Cohen? What ideas in her essay are similar to those in his?

Tarvis is defending men saying that womens realtionships are just shallow and dont really mean anything. Cohen is saying how men cant have real friends and how women are correct in their views on friendships. both essays compare men and women's friendships.

2)In your own words, paraphrase both Cohen's and Tavris's definitions of friendship. Then, write your deffinition of friendship, in which you explicitly agree or disagree with the ideas of Cohen and/or Tavris.

Cohen says that friend ship is based on what each person tells one another. and how comfortable they are expressing their emotions with one another. Tavris is defending men saying how they are based on expierience not just talking. she sees womens friendships together more as shallow and sell them out as soon as something cute walks by. I Really agree with the fact that men do not share their feelings, very easily. it takes a bit to get it out of them and i dont think men are really that interested in each other enough to want to drag it out of them. women seem to feel that if somehting is off it must be fixed imeadately. a woman hates to have anything wrong. she will bug a man till he breaks and spills the beans on whats going on. Some women will sell out their best friends for a guy but that is not all women nor will all men keep every thing bottled up. I had to make a choice once between my friend and a guy i picked the guy and me and my friend did not talk for a year and ahalf. but then we reconnected and now all is good and i have both my friend and my boyfriend

3) How does Tavris suggest classifying peple as either "mature" or "immature"? Why does she make this distinction? What other characteristics would you say define someone (male or female) as "mature" or "immature"?

She says that one cannot judge if someone is mature or immature because there might be a different side to the story, it is not fair to judge someone else on if they are mature or not on what you belive to be mature because to someone else you might look just as immature. Maturity is more something that is present when it needs to be it is fun to be immature because look at little children they get to run around and be immature and then boom they are told to grow up and become mature. how that works i am not sure. noone can judge if someone else is immature or not becuase chances are they are not any more mature then the one they judge.

project one edited

I believe that having a learning difference is a great strength rather than a weakness. My main reason for believing this is because in sixth grade I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. When I was in fifth grade math I could not keep up. I was falling behind and I really just did not understand why everyone else could do the math but me. My teacher would tell me to just look at examples and try to figure it out. This frustrated me because it all looked like a foreign language to me. When I got to the sixth grade, I began attending The Hill Center, a special school for children with learning differences. The Hill Center helped me develop skills I needed to succeed. I did not have a 504 to explain to my teachers about my LD. I had to go to my teachers at my other school and explain the help I needed by myself. I became I a very good self advocate. In the ninth grade I had a great science teacher; he was all about helping me even without my 504. This was a relief, because I was worried that the public schools would not help me with my LD. In my junior year I was not as lucky with my teacher in chemistry. He did not believe in learning differences. This made things very hard I would go in for extra help, and he would tell me that I was doing it wrong. Yet he would not explain how to do it any other way. He would just tell me that I was doing it incorrectly this really frustrated me. Being told that I was wrong but not being told how to fix the problem. I kept going to him for extra help every other day; he even told me I was incapable of learning. I would come home really upset at this point my mom knew she needed to get involved. She set up an appointment with my counselor and the teacher. We all sat there and talked about how we could resolve this problem. We came up with a couple solutions. After that nothing changed it was as if we hadn’t had the meeting. I passed the class with a C. I was proud but worried about what colleges would think about me getting a C in chemistry. My senior year was better not as good as ninth and tenth grade. This teacher did not like to give extra help, but the class was easier so I did better. Going through two years with teachers who would not help me, and making me advocate the help I needed really made me a stronger learner. I had to listen to people tell me I could not learn, and discourage me. I knew differently I knew I could do anything I put my mind to. The Hill Center taught me that having a learning difference does not mean that you are dumb or cannot learn, but that you just learn a different way. I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school like The Hill Center. If I had not attended The Hill Center, I would never have learned to become a strong advocate for myself. Having a learning difference is a great strength of mine; I can tell people exactly what I need. This skill has been very beneficial for college. My LD has shown me that I have to take care of myself no one else is going to do it for me, if I need something, I have to get it. I see my LD as a challenge, not a setback. I am a stronger person because of my learning difference.

i know that it doesnt make much sense to be going from a math LD to a LD in science but math and science sorta go hand in hand not sure


1) According to Cohen, what are the properties of men's relationships? Why does he think that these properties do not fit a definition of friendship?
He says that men cannot have real friends, he says that they do not express themselves like women do therefore they will never have real friends. they are more buddies, chums, pals, but not people they will ever express any feelings to one another. They do not talk like women do they wont express things that are bothering them. They keep to themselves.
2) What fundamental distinction does Cohen make between men and women? That is, how does he classify men and women? Do you agree with his classification? Why or why not?
Women will straight up tell you how they feel if they are having a bad day or a great day. they will vent till your ears fall off. men on the other hand you have to practically drag what ever is bothering them out. you cannot simply say hey whats wrong no it takes much more. Men/boys have been brought up to believe that it is not right for men to express emotion and or feelings. so they keep to them selves. i agree men are very secretive and women are not.
3) Examine the kind of evidence that Cohen offers in paragraph 5 to support his thesis. Would his argument be stronger if he had talked about, or named, specific men? What are the risks of generalizing about human behavior?
he has a very strong argument. naming specific men he knows just makes it seem that he only knows this of his friends. then again generalizing men all into one makes it hard because some men do express their feelings. Generalization is hard, because no two people are exactly alike and so makeing a general statement just makes it harder to believe because it is more likely that it is not true all the way through.


I am not sure if it was a racil act or not but I think the trooper might have gotten caught up in the moment and hit the man on purpose if the suspect had pissed off the trooper the trooper might have been angry and wanted revenge. I really do believe that the trooper should get the ten years and the fine. many times cops, sheriffs and state troopers get let off on things when they "screw up" but because they were "doing their job" they get off wich is complete b.s. they should not be treated any different. if they commit a crime they should not be protected by a badge. there have been many things like this but atleast this trooper gets locked up. if the president killed someone would he be punnished. just because they have a badge does not make it acceptable to commit a crime

Thursday, September 25, 2008


1)How do you feel about having all this publicity about splenda?, how does this affect you?

I don't really use splenda therefore it does not affect me that much i guess if i began to use it i would be more conscious of its effects.

2)How many times a day do you think people or even yourself uses splenda as a sweetener?

Well at least 2 in their morning coffee, and if they are cooking and think it is better than regular sugar then probably at least 5 times a day, maybe.

3) Do you think moderation is the key? do you think this may help the "good bacteria"?
if it was in your hands the solution, what would you do?

For weight gain yes moderation is the key. i do not really understand the "good bacteria" so i am not sure what i would do if it was in my hands.

active reading questions

1. Examine the details Sanders gives about building a wall to divide a room. Can you clearly visualize what Sanders is doing at each step? Is each concept clearly defined? Why, at the end of the essay, does Sanders feel the need to describe so clearly each step in the process?

You have to use the right tools, to do a good job, you have to measure correctly and get all the cuts right. I did not really understand what he did at each step in the process. He probably was rembering his father, he wanted to rember exactly how his dad did things so he doesnt forget.

2. How does Sanders use chronological order in this essay? What objects, images, or ideas connect the different periods of time that he describes?

Sanders really jumps back and forth in the times he is telling about. He starts with the day his father died, and then goes to a time with his father and grandfather telling him about the tools. I think the hammer connects the different times, because it is what he feels connected to when he doesnt have his father.

3. What is a "dawn stone"? Why does Sanders describe it in this essay, and what does it represent to him?

A "dawn stone" is an unworked stones, that served as the hammers.

It represents his ancestors, and makes him realize that he is still connected with them, because it is a "great leap in time, but no great distance in design or imagination."

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Test or not

If the cancer runs in the children's genes then the parents should have their children tested. But both need to be able to deal with the end results no matter what they are. I think it would freak a kid out to know they might have cancer and not know but it could also hurt them to find out that they do have it at such a young age. Teenagers should decide for them selves when to be tested, it is good that finding out early would help the child cut back on drinking and smoking which can increase the negative effects.

Monday, September 22, 2008

active reading questions

1)In your own words describe the "6 Myths of Creativity."

a) Creativity comes from creative types.

Actually everyone is capable of creative work, they just need the right work enviroment to be creative.

b) Money is a Creativity Motivator

Really money is not everything it actually impeads creativity. People will be less likely to be crative because they feel that it might ruin their chances of getting a bonus.

c) Time Pressure Fuels Creativity

Time pressure actually makes creativity levels go down. People need time to let the creativity "bubble up." creativity needs time to blosom.

d) Fear Forces Breakthroughs

People are more likely to be more creative when they are excited about their work and are happy. "One day's happiness often predicts the next day's creativity."

e) Competition Beats Collaboration

Collaboration is better than competition. people competing is worse because when they work together they take all of their ideas and put them together making the best ideas. rather than just having a lot of ideas that would be better off together.

f) A Streamlined Organization is a Creative Organization

Downsizing made creativity drop much faster than the leader thought. People were so worried about being fired they were much less creative. people will be more creative when it is supported in their enviroments.

2) How did Teresa Amablile, the Harvard Business School professor who studies creativity in the workplace, design her research? What kinds of information was she looking for? What seems especially surprising or interesting about her apporach to research?

she collected nearly 12,000 daily journal entries from 238 people working on creative projects. she was looking for information about what types of situations increased creativity. she did not tell the employees what she was looking for she said she was looking for emotions in the work place.

3)Who is the audience for Bill Breen's article? How can you tell?

The audience is anyone in a work place, and employers. You can tell, because he talks about how compettition and unhappy settings in the work place only lead to a company not doing well.

Inventing The University

1) What does Bartholomae mean when he says that students must “invent the university” when they write in college?
He means that they should write as the university would. They should write like a college student would.

2)What does Bartholomae suggest is a way for students to become “insiders” within academic discourse?
By talking to people who are involved in whatever the subject is.

3)Summarize some of the differences between the two examples of student writing that Bartholomae examines, and Bartholomae’s opinion of these examples.
Test taking, or summaries. He thinks that the first essay flows nicely. He says that the girl is to conscious of herself in her writing.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Clone Yes or No?

I think stem cell research is nessessary in order to find cures for diseases. I am not completley sure about the cloning but if it is going to help find cures and they can find people who will give up an unborn child then yes it is their choice and they could give it to stem cell or cloning research.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Project one

I believe that having a learning difference is a great strength rather than a weakness. My main reason for believing this is because in sixth grade I was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. When I was in fifth grade math I could not keep up. I was falling behind and I really just did not understand why everyone else could do the math but me. My teacher would tell me to just look at examples and try to figure it out. This frustrated me because it all looked like a foreign language to me. When I got to the sixth grade, I began attending The Hill Center, a special school for children with learning differences. There were four students to a classroom and you sit at a U-shaped table. The teacher is very close so you get a lot of one-on-one attention. Once I began at The Hill Center, I expected to be just as frustrated with math as I was before, but they took the time to explain it to me. Soon I was catching up to my friends back at my other school. The Hill Center taught me that having a learning difference does not mean that you are dumb or cannot learn, but that you just learn a different way. I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to attend such a wonderful school like The Hill Center. Since then I have become more organized, picked up more study skills, become a great advocate for myself and, most of all, learned that I can do anything if I put my mind to it. The Hill Center taught me many things besides just school work. They improved my self confidence and helped me become a more confident person. The Hill Center has made such a difference to me and my schooling. If I had just attended my public high school and not The Hill Center, I would not be at Nova Southeastern University today. I am so grateful for having teachers who care about their students and understanding the work they are doing. I embrace having a learning difference because of The Hill Center. I see it as a challenge, not a setback. I am a stronger person because of my learning difference.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

would you give the $400 million

The issue with building the fence is that how do we know that $400million is going to be enough to complete the fence. If it is not then we have used up the rest of the money given to the administration and the fence is not done. I dont really understand because why build a fence where no one can enter the U.S. anyways. when I think about the fence all I can see is a chain link fence going from the gulf to the pacific running along the border. so I do think that the fence is pointless in some places. To put it up and have people lose there homes for it seems a bit over done. If the fence keeps falling apart how much more will be asked for to fix it. Once Bush is gone then would another president really have the desire to continue on with the fence. To me it almost seems that Bush is trying for one last thing to do right and to be congragulated about. I dont think a fence is something that is going to get that done for him. The money could go many other places or even to just fix up the already standing fence and maybe get more border gaurds. I think it is great to stop illegal immigration but to stop terrorists I dont think they are just going to walk right on into america. this seems that it might also just be a way to say they are fighting terrorism but really trying to stop illegal immigration.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

active reading questions

1. She explains her expeirience that she had was working at the horse stables. she describes this after telling how chores are seen. if this was put any where else with out the intial background information on chores now we would be lost as to why we were being told about her horse chores.
2. She explains that if you make a child do the "dirty" work then they are going to hate it and just want to get it done. she says how if you just let a teenager see how bad something is then they will most likely clean it or fix it. Her intended audience does not seem to be children but more likely parents.
3. Smiley uses rhetorical questions to relate to the reader. I completly agree with Smiley parents shouldn't make their children do "dirty" work.
I was never forced to do the dishes but when i would see my mom cook then my dad come home after a long day of work and have to do the dishes by himself i would feel bad. and i then wouldnt mind doing them and i would find myself saying no ill do them with out him even having to begin for me to realize how it would be better if i did them. because i was never forced to do them i dont mind. my cousins who do all the chores in their house hate doing them and when an adult asks them to do something even something as easy as to set the table or take out the trash the adult will have to ask numerous amounts of times just to get them to move. my mom is proud that i will get up and do what ever is asked the first time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

active reading questions

1) his purpose was to overcome segregation and racsism. he wants to show he is not affected by racism. at the dinner he could have played along and gotten a hamburguer but he didnt get provoked he left dignity intact.he was trying to show that he over came it and showed how he used to be weak and would go along with the racsim. and he was used to not being judged. but he got to georgia and he realized that racsism is still going on. he wants people to know that racsism is not over. The colonel Brookhart is trying to prevent the intial shock powell was going to feel. he cares about powell he didnt sugar coat it.
2) he is speaking to everyone. gives hope to others speaking to minorities. people who agree or not.
3) i am impressed with how much he overcame. and how he delt with racsism. but he seems to be just another political figure to me i now know more of a background of him.

1) she is trying to let the reader know that writing is not as easy as it seems for everyone.
2) she is writing to students and or anyone who cant write down what they want right away. she is explaining how some cant write what they are thinking.
3) she seems to believe in free writing. not knowing exactly what you are going to say but more sitting down and letting your mind go with what it needs to write. she might not be helpful to someone writing a paper due the next day. her subject is one of her students. she really does not give much description of him she more describes him by his writing. she feels he can write if he is patient. she believes in him.

Monday, September 8, 2008

journal 2

I chose the essays Deciding to Live, and A Different Kind of Hero. These essays are both very compelling writings.
Deciding to Live is about a woman’s choice not to give up but to fight instead. She was depressed but instead of letting it pull her down she took up rock climbing not giving up. It is an inspirational story to read she does not hold back. She lets the reader know exactly how it was for her in the beginning and how great it was two years later.
A Different Kind of Hero is about a fifteen year old girl who lived in New Orleans and was drastically affected by hurricane Katrina. She describes how she pictures heroes, they have capes, jump from building to building, and are invincible. She tells her story just as the other was told; it is inspirational. She is fifteen and she has learned that in order to be anyone else’s hero you must first be your own. That is not something one usually picks up on when you are so young. She tells the reader how she felt she was her own hero. These essays are similar in that both authors save themselves. Both essays follow the This I believe organization tips they have on the website. They are strong in what they believe. Both state what they believe and explain. For Project one I might want to write about differences. --A Different Kind of Hero --Deciding to Live

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My friend wrote me a letter expressing how she felt we were growing apart. I was going to call and talk to her but i decided I should write her back it would be easier instead of having to worry about being interrupted. Once she recived and replied to my letter we felt the situation had been resolved. I explained all my thoughts and concerns and gave her examples. Responding to a rhetorical situation is different because it is more that there is no right or wrong just exactly what you want to say how you want to say it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

news #1

Beta blockers and high tech swim suits should not be allowed at the Olympics. Because the USA might have more technology than another country. Then having a swimmer like Phelps swim with the suit is more a competition of which country can come up with the better suit. Did all of the USA swimmers get these high tech suits or was it just for Phelps. I am thrilled at how he did in the Olympics but it does not seem right to be having a competition of countries to see whose athlete is better.
If you can not control how nervous you become in front of a crowd or even how much you shake then you should not get to take something to make it easier for you to relax the Olympics is for the best of the best athletes not the best of the best when they have medicine to make them better.
The Chinese gymnasts was a whole different story it was more that the Chinese wanted it to happen their way and not have to play by the rules. because they are the gov. they could get the right paper work to make the girls 16 rather than 14.
The opening night the Chinese had a very young girl sing the national anthem it was beautiful. but they had her standing back stage while another more "beautiful looking" girl lip sang to her. This is not really unfair it just show how badly the Chinese wanted to be the best at hosting the Olympics they went all out and I do not think they would have settled for a less attractive girl singing the national anthem.